McKesson Corporation is a U.S. company with headquarters in San Francisco , California . The Fortune Global 500 company, is the world’s largest by revenue in healthcare and the fourteenth largest in the United States (according to the Fortune 500 in 2010 ) McKesson was in 1833 in New York City under the name of Olcott & McKesson by Charles Olcott founded and John McKesson. Daniel Robbins, another partner and after Olcott’s death in 1853, joined the company as McKesson & Robbins on.
In addition to its locations in North America, McKesson also has international offices in Australia and Europe (France, Netherlands and United Kingdom). Due to the highly regulated and market-driven interest groups McKesson can now detect no interest in a subsidiary in Germany. McKesson has in the United Kingdom ‘s main office in Warwick in the UK and employs around 500 people.