Sampoerna Logo

Sampoerna Logo — PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. / PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna is the company’s cigarette largest Indonesia. Its headquarters is located in Surabaya, East Java. The company was previously a family-owned company Sampoerna, but since May 2005 majority ownership changed hands to Philip Morris International, the world’s largest tobacco companies from the United States, ending a family tradition for over 90 years.

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Some of the famous cigarette brand is Sampoerna Dji Sam Soe and A Mild. Dji Sam Soe is the old brand that has survived since the early days of the company. In addition, the company is also famous for its advertising creative in the mass media. In 1913, Liem Seeng Tee Siem Tjiang Nio and his wife, an immigrant Chinese from Fujian, China started its commercial production of cigarettes as a home industry. In 1930, domestic industry was inaugurated officially by the name of Handel Maatschapij NVBM Sampoerna. More

Citrix Logo

Citrix Logo — Citrix Systems, Inc. is a multinational corporation founded in 1989, which provides technology virtualization of servers, networking, software-as-service (SaaS) and cloud computing , among which are counted products Xen open source. Today, Citrix serves about 230,000 organizations worldwide. It is headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in the metropolitan area of southern Florida, and has branches in California and Massachusetts, as well as development centers in Australia, India and the United Kingdom. Following the acquisition of XenSource, Inc. in October 2007, manages the project Citrix hypervisor Xen open source.

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Citrix was founded in 1989 in Richardson, Texas, by the former developer of IBM Ed Iacobucci, with a capital of 3 million dollars. Soon, Iacobucci moved the company to Coral Springs, Florida, where he had lived while working at IBM. More


UNIDO Logo — The Organization of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, UNIDO, was established by the General Assembly in 1966 as a body to promote and accelerate the industrialization in developing countries. It is also known in its acronym in English: UNIDO. The specialized agency took shape in 1979 but became a fully autonomous body on 1 January of 1986.

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The UNIDO promotes cooperation between industrialized and developing countries to accelerate industrial development, stimulating activities for the promotion of investment and technology transfer. The industrialized and developing countries jointly examine ways to accelerate industrialization by encouraging the participation of the government sector and industry. Based on surveys and studies, UNIDO creates and refines concepts and development approaches, contributes to making the plans public, cooperative and private sectors, including the encouragement of cooperation between companies interested in these sectors. More

VMware Logo

VMware Logo — VMware Inc. (VM Virtual Machine) a subsidiary of EMC Corporation that provides most of the software of virtualization compatible computers available for X86. Among this software include VMware Workstation, and the free VMware Server and VMware Player. VMware software can run on Windows, Linux, and platform Mac OS X running on Intel processors, under the name of VMware Fusion. The company’s corporate name is a play on words using the traditional interpretation of the acronym “VM” in computing environments as virtual machines (V irtual M achines).

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VMware is a virtualization software. A virtual system is a software program that simulates a physical system (a computer hardware) with a certain hardware features. When you run the program ( simulator ) provides a runtime environment for all purposes like a physical computer (except pure physical access to hardware simulation), CPU (can be more than one), BIOS, graphics card, RAM, network card, sound system, USB, hard drive (can be more than one), etc.. More

Brooks Logo

Brooks Logo — Brooks, Inc. was founded in 1914 by Morris Goldenberg and is a company that produces footwear and athletic apparel for high performance. Brooks originally produced bathing shoes in 1917 before moving to sports by producing baseball shoes in 1920 and soccer shoes in the 1930s. In 1979, the world champion Pittsburgh Pirates, wore shoes Brooks. In 1984 quarterback Dan Marino, wearing Brooks running shoes.

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The name was selected by Brooks Morris Goldenberg. Brooks Sports, Inc. is headquartered in Bothell, Washington, United States. Brooks was acquired by Russell Corporation in late 2004. On August 2, 2006 Russell officially announced its sale to Berkshire Hathaway. More

ILO Logo

ILO Logo — The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that deals with matters relating to labor and labor relations. It was founded on April 11th of 1919, as part of negotiations on the Treaty of Versailles. Its constitution, adopted in 1919, is complemented by the Declaration of Philadelphia of 1944.

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The ILO has a government tripartite, composed of representatives of governments, trade unions and employers. Its supreme body is the International Conference, which meets annually in June. Its governing body is the Board of Directors which meets quarterly. The Governing Body is the executive body of the ILO and meets three times a year in Geneva. Takes decisions on ILO policy and establishes the program and budget are then submitted to the Conference for approval. It also elects the Director General. In 2003 he was reelected to office Chilean Juan Somavia. The headquarters is in Geneva (Switzerland). In 1969 the ILO received the Nobel Peace Prize. It is composed by 184 nation states (2012). Has no power to punish governments. More