Pandora Radio Logo — Pandora is a project initiated on January 6 of year 2000 by a group of technologists who love music and musicians, with the idea of creating a comprehensive analysis of music . Therefore termed the project as The Music Genome Project , (something like the Music Genome Project ).

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Its purpose is to capture the essence of music in its most fundamental level. Like the draft human genome , their idea is to classify music in some way by analyzing the “genes” of each song : melody, harmony, rhythm, instrumentation, orchestration, arrangement, lyrics and more.

With this classification have been able to take a next step: to offer customized radio stations via the Internet, the user suggests the name of a song and the page generates a radio station with a list of music “genomically” similar to that requested in the query (for legal reasons the requested song is not played immediately). The user has the ability to mark songs as you like or dislike and go customize their stations. You can also propose some new song, and even send music from which the user is the author. Now only available for U.S. users There is a version that works in Spain called pandora overall .

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pandora internet radio logo

pandora internet radio logo