Pocari Sweat Logo — Pocari Sweat is a popular soft drink and sports drink Japanese , produced by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. was launched in 1980 and now available in East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Middle East.

pocari sweat logo

pocari sweat logo

It is a mild, sweet flavor, light and gas. It is advertised as a “drink ionizing”. It has a mild flavor of grapefruit. Its ingredients are water, sugar, citric acid, sodium citrate, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, calcium lactate, magnesium carbonate and flavorings. Is sold in cans, bottles, plastic and in the form of powder to be mixed with water.

The reference to “sweat” (sweat) in the name of the drink has a connotation humorous to native speakers of English. Anyway, the name was originally chosen by manufacturers in order to insert the product into the Japanese market where people generally do not translate the English names. Actually the name comes from the beverage consumer tries to replenish all the nutrients and electrolytes lost through sweat. The first part of the name Pocari has no meaning. Was chosen for its “bright sound”.

pocari sweat logo wallpaper

pocari sweat logo wallpaper

pocari sweat

pocari sweat