Repsol Logo — Repsol YPF SA is a corporation Spanish based in Madrid, founded in October 1987 in April and originally formed by grouping a number of companies, previously belonging to the National Hydrocarbons Institute (INH), with activities in the exploration, production, transportation and refining of oil and gas. It also manufactures, distributes and markets petroleum products, petrochemicals and liquefied gas and sells natural gas.

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Its name derives from the brand of lubricants marketed by REPESA (Petroleum Refinery tailings) for its visibility and easy to pronounce in different languages ​​and with the aim of becoming a brand leader, of prestige and worldwide recognition. In 1991, the National Hydrocarbons Institute (INH) the imminent disappearance of the monopoly state oil set a goal of creating a public joint stock company private, it exploded the oil assets of the State. When there was a name fetch survey at street level and the only two words that people recognized and associated with the oil world were CAMPSA (distinguishing the former monopoly) and REPSOL, obviously, chose the latter for naming the new society.

“We sought a short name, round, loud and catchy. How many terms of the language that sink their roots in Latin, here we used the first letters of a small company in lubricants (Repesa), and completed the term that identifies the star to Spain in the cultures of the north. Repsol is one of the few names of companies which does not obey an acronym or castiza obsession for putting together the letters of horrible names. And that was the first success”.

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