Sybase Logo — Sybase is a publisher of software founded in 1984. Sybase provides infrastructure solutions to enterprise, mobility solutions software for information management, development, and integration. This company is known for its management software database. This is part of the DBMS’s largest market with Oracle, IBM DB / 2, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL. May 12, 2010 SAP, a German company, announces its intention to acquire Sybase, valuing the company at $ 5.8 billion.

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Sybase was founded in 1984 by Mark Hoffman, Bob Epstein, Jane Doughty Tom Haggin and Bob Epstein’s home in Berkeley, California. Together, they created a management system relational database (RDBMS) where information is organized and available to computers on a network.

End of 1986, Sybase offered its first programs in testing, and in May 1987 made the system available SYBASE, the first RDBMS for high performance applications online. Rather than providing a large database stored on a mainframe, the system provided access Sybase database client / server architecture. Sybase was the first to provide a relational database in client / server. Sybase has provided the Human Genome Project licenses for the first generation of relational database client / server.

At that time, Sybase called his data server “Sybase SQL Server”. Sybase has signed an agreement with Microsoft to share source code and distribute data server on OS / 2 as “SQL Server”. Until version 4.9, software Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server were virtually identical. Following disagreements between the two companies regarding revenue sharing, Sybase and Microsoft have decided to stop the agreement. The products have also evolved differently, separate source code.

Although the common heritage is evident in both the procedural language Transact SQL (T-SQL) at the level of basic structures of the architecture of the server data, the major difference between Sybase servers and Microsoft is that the Sybase data servers are UNIX-oriented while the data server Microsoft has been adapted and optimized for the Microsoft operating system Windows NT. Sybase continues to offer versions for Windows, several varieties of Unix and GNU / Linux.

Sybase has maintained a strong position in the product data management. Key products are Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (the transactional data server), Sybase IQ (data server decision) and Replication Server (middleware that can replicate / distribute / secure databases, Sybase or not). Sybase has a strong presence in financial services, telecommunications, technology and procurement. Sybase has exceeded one billion dollars in 2007. In 2010, SAP acquired Sybase for $ 5.8 billion.

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