Bank and Finance Logo

Allianz Logo

Allianz Logo — The Allianz Group is the largest insurer Europe and one of the largest insurers and financial service providers in the world. One of the largest insurance pools in the world and is linked to almost every company German major. Allianz is the largest shareholder of AGF and RAS, both owners of Mondial Assitance Group and Mondial Assistance Contigo.

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allianz logo

In 1890 was founded Allianz AG in Munich by Carl von Thieme and Wilhelm von Finck in their business. The company was influenced by the bank Merck Finck & Co, the Dresdner Bank AG and its founders Thieme and Finck, previously established with Munich Re. In 1893 was founded the first overseas branch in London. Two years later, in 1895, shares of the company entered the German Stock Exchange. More

Western Union Logo

Western Union Logo — Western Union is a US-based provider of global money transfer. It offers the ability to quickly transfer money around the world, pay bills and purchase money orders. This transfer is often used by migrant workers used to send money to relatives in their home countries.

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western union logo

Western Union was in 1851 in Rochester by Hiram Sibley (1807-1888) as The New York and Mississippi Valley Printing Telegraph Company was founded. In 1856 she changed her name to Western Union Telegraph Company (after they had taken over some of its competitors) to connect the telegraph lines from coast to coast to show. Western Union was in 1861 the first transcontinental telegraph line ready. 1865 she founded — for trying to America and Europe via Alaska and Siberia to Moscow to join — the Russian American Telegraph . More

ASN Bank Logo

ASN Bank Logo — ASN Bank or Savings Bank General for the Netherlands is a Dutch Bank , an autonomous subsidiary of SNS REAAL . ASN Bank is distinguished by a focus on responsible and sustainable banking and therefore supports projects that focus on corporate social responsibility .

ASN Bank Logo

ASN Bank Logo

ASN Bank was founded on 1 May 1960 by the Dutch Federation of Trade Unions (NVV, which later merged into the current FNV ) and the insurance company the Central (now REAAL ). Until the 1990s, it was possible to a Postbank account a savings account (Star Plus Account or Account) to couple who ran the ASN, the Postbank were called this union savings accounts. More

MasterCard Logo

MasterCard Logo — MasterCard Worldwide ( NYSE : MA ) is a public company listed on the NYSE. MasterCard is also a brand of credit cards and debit cards . It was originally created by the United Bank of California , and later teamed up with other banks, which are First Interstate Bank , bank Wells Fargo , Crocker National Bank and California First Bank .

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The name Master Charge was licensed by the California bank above, a property of First National Bank of Louisville, Kentucky in 1967. With the help of Marine Midland Bank (now HSBC Bank USA ), these banks joined with the Interbank Card Association (ICA) to create “Master Charge: The Interbank Card”. In 1979 ” MasterChange: The Interbank Card “was renamed MasterCard . In 1990 , MasterCard bought the British Access Card . In 2002 it absorbed Europay International , another credit card company that I use for many years the name Eurocard. In 2006, MasterCard International changed its name to MasterCard Worldwide , this was done to suggest a more global scale of operations. Also introduced a new logo adding a third circle to the existing two (The logo on the credit cards , which represents a Venn diagram , remains intact). A new slogan was introduced at the same time: ” The Heart of Commerce “. More

Morgan Stanley Logo

Morgan Stanley Logo — Morgan Stanley is a non financial U.S. which operates as an investment bank and broker, headquartered in New York. The company was founded in New York on September 5 of 1935 by Henry S. Morgan and Harold Stanley as a result of the change in U.S. law to avoid situations that led to the collapse of the markets during the crisis of 1929. He joined the NYSE in 1941.

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Quickly captured a large market share in the sector. Expanded its services with a division in charge of mergers and acquisitions in 1971. In the 80’s opened offices abroad: Sydney, Melbourne, Hong Kong, Frankfurt, Milan and Luxembourg. In the 90 spread across Singapore, Taipei, Seoul, Shanghai, Beijing, Bombay, Paris, Genoa, Madrid, Moscow, Johannesburg, Mexico City and São Paulo. More

AXA Logo

AXA Logo — The group AXA is a multinational French specialized in the business of insurance and, since 1984, also in asset management. One of the largest insurance groups in the world. Despite what many may think AXA is not an acronym. Was chosen because it can be pronounced easily in any language. In fact, as the name AXA was specifically created so that meant nothing in any language. The origin of the name dates back to 1985.

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The AXA Foundation, formerly Winterthur Foundation, was born in 1998 with the aim of promoting and spreading the art, the culture and risk prevention, its constituent pillars of philanthropy since its establishment. Its aim is to disseminate, promote, develop and promote all cultural, artistic and training, specifically in the field of insurance and risk prevention, collaboration and providing the necessary support to private and institutional initiatives that have the intended to meet the cultural demands of civil society in the field of arts, music and literature. More