IMDb Logo

The Internet Movie Database ( IMDb , in Spanish movies database on the Internet ) is a database online that provides information about movies , production crew personnel (including directors and producers ), actors , television shows , programs TV , video games , players of dubbing , and most recently, fictional characters that appear in visual entertainment media. It is one of the most popular online entertainment, with over 100 million unique users per month, and a mobile version with a strong presence that is growing rapidly. March IMDb opened on October 17th of 1990 , and in 1998 was acquired by .

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IMDb has an extensive list of films, short films, documentaries, video games and television programs worldwide, including summaries, quizzes, and trade data errors. IMDb forums are public comments and questions about movies, likes or dislikes. Explicit political content by the moderators remove posts we consider offensive. Since April 2005 , the use of the forum is restricted to registered users. It also allows users to add movies or TV series to a watchlist ( Watchlist ), indicating the series or seen the movies, and lists of films with a common denominator. More

Craigslist Logo

Craigslist is an online community Web organized by cities, which offers each free classified ads on various topics: employment, housing, sentimental, sale / barter, miscellaneous services, jobs of short duration, and so on. It also has forums sorted by various topics. It was founded in 1995 by Craig Newmark for the Bay Area of San Francisco . After its establishment in 1999, Craigslist expanded into nine more cities in 2000 (all in U.S. ), four per year in 2001 and 2002 and 14 in 2003. Until June 2006, Craigslist had established itself in approximately 310 cities worldwide.

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In 2006, Craigslist operates with a staff of 28 people. Their only source of income is through the collection of classified ads for employment in certain cities ($ 75 per ad for the Bay Area of San Francisco, $ 25 per ad for New York , Los Angeles , Boston , Seattle , Washington DC and listings of real estate agencies in New York ($ 10 per ad)). More

PayPal Logo

PayPal Logo — PayPal is a company American, owned by eBay , belonging to the sector of electronic commerce on the Internet that allows the transfer of money between users with email , an alternative to traditional paper methods such as checks or money orders . PayPal also processes requests for payment in electronic commerce and other Web services, for which charges a percentage. Most of their clientele comes from the online auction site eBay . From the 31 March of 2008 the Executive Director (CEO) of eBay ‘s John Donahoe . Its headquarters is in San Jose ( California , USA ), its headquarters are in Omaha ( Nebraska , USA) and operations center for Europe is in Dublin ( Ireland ).

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It was initially founded under the name of Confinity in 1998 by Peter Thiel and Max Levchin . After its merger with was renamed PayPal. It is worth noting that still retain the domain One of its first headquarters was the 165 University Avenue in Palo Alto , California , where he started several companies in Silicon Valley . In principle, PayPal was a service to transfer money via PDAs . But the payment on the web became a business more appealing. An aggressive marketing by offering the first $ 10 and then $ 5 by registering in the system, caused the growth was meteoric: between 7 and 10% per day between January and March 2000. More

Microsoft Logo

Microsoft Logo — Microsoft Corporation ( NASDAQ : MSFT ) is a multi -origin, founded on April 4, 1975 by Bill Gates , Steve Ballmer and Paul Allen . Dedicated to the field of computer science , is headquartered in Redmond , Washington , United States . Microsoft develops, manufactures, licenses and produces software and electronics, with its products used the operating system Microsoft Windows and the suite Microsoft Office , which have an important position among personal computers. With a market share approaching 90% for Office 2003 and Windows in 2006, following the strategy of Bill Gates to “have a workstation that runs our software on every desktop and in every home” .

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microsoft logo

The company is also often named as MS, by his initials on the NASDAQ ( NASDAQ : MSFT ) or simply as Redmond , due to the great influence it has on the location of their headquarters. It has 93,000 employees in 102 different countries and had revenue of 51,120 million U.S. dollars in 2007. More

Volvo Logo

Volvo Logo — Volvo is a manufacturer of commercial vehicles, including trucks, buses and construction equipment. It was founded in 1924 with headquarters in Gothenburg, Sweden, by engineer Gustav Larson and economist Assar Gabrielsson. Produced cars until 1999, when it sold its subsidiary, Volvo Car Corporation to Ford Motor Company. This company, in turn, sold it in 2010 to Geely Automobile of China.

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In Latin, Volvo means “I roll”. The emblem of the brand, the circle and arrow, is the symbol of the old steel alchemists and does not represent the symbol of man or masculine as many mistakenly believe. More

Suzuki Logo

Suzuki Logo — Suzuki Motor Corporation is a company Japanese engaged in the manufacture of cars (especially SUVs and compact), a wide range of motorcycles, engines outboard, and a variety of products equipped with small combustion engines. Founded in 1909 in the village of Hamamatsu, Japan, by Michio Suzuki.

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The company was founded in 1908 dedicated to the manufacture of looms with the name of Suzuki Loom Works, but in 1951 the market for cotton collapsed, and the company is considering expanding to new products, and decide to restart its production of cars, which had begun in 1931. In 1952 creates a bicycle motorized which was very popular and in 1954 brought to market a second bike and change the company name to Suzuki Motor Corporation. More