Cincinnati Reds Logo

Cincinnati Reds Logo — The Cincinnati Reds are a deductible of baseball of Major League Baseball located in Cincinnati (Ohio). They operate in the Central Division of the National League. The franchise was founded in 1882 by American Association building on the legacy of the Cincinnati Red Stockings, although the Reds have nothing to do with this franchise. The name Reds, however, is a direct reference to the Red Stockings, who were the first professional training in 1869. Another professional franchise is also activated by this name from 1876 to 1880 : the Cincinnati Red Stockings.

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cincinnati reds logo

The Red Stockings won the title of the AA in 1882. They then move to the Bank Street Grounds (1882 — 83) before moving to League Park, which opened on 1st May 1884. The franchise leaves the American Association in November 1889 and joined the National League. The name is officially shortened to Red Stockings in Reds. More

San Francisco Giants Logo

San Francisco Giants Logo — The San Francisco Giants and San Francisco Giants are a team of baseball based in San Francisco (California), which currently plays in the Western Division of Major League Baseball (MLB). As one of the oldest teams in baseball, the Giants have won more games than any other team in baseball history.

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san francisco giants logo

The Giants played in New York until the season of 1957, after which he moved west, to California to become the San Francisco Giants. Under the name New York Giants, won 17 National League and 5 World Series since the days of John McGraw and Christy Mathewson to that of Bobby Thomson and Willie Mays. The Giants had not won a World Series between the years 1954 and 2009, becoming the third major title drought in MLB, after Chicago Cubs and Cleveland Indians (who, ironically, were defeated by the Giants in 1954). More

Los Angeles Dodgers Logo

Los Angeles Dodgers Logo — The Los Angeles Dodgers are a deductible of Baseball Major League Baseball based in Los Angeles. They operate in the West Division of the National League. The franchise was founded in 1883 in Brooklyn and moved to California during the winter 1957 — 58. Jackie Robinson, Sandy Koufax and Roy Campanella evolved under the colors of the Dodgers.

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los angeles dodgers logo

After winning the World Series in Brooklyn (1955), the Dodgers won the title five times since moving to Los Angeles (1959, 1963, 1965, 1981 and 1988). In 2010, they posted 80 wins to 82 losses rank fourth in the West Division. More

Boston Red Sox Logo

Boston Red Sox Logo — The Boston Red Sox (Boston Red Sox in Castilian) are a team of baseball from professional baseball in America. They belong to the Eastern Division of the American League. They were created in 1893 as minor league franchise in the city of Toledo, Ohio in the Western League (Western League). They moved to Boston when that league became the American League in 1900.

boston red sox logo

boston red sox logo

The name Red Sox was chosen by owner John I. Taylor in the season of 1907 and is based on an obsolete way of calling the U.S. average. The old Boston team of the National League (the Braves) had received originally as the name Red Stockings and Red Sox had used, which inspired the owner of the American League team to use this nickname. Before 1908, the American League team used dark blue stockings and had no official nickname. They called simply the Boston (the Bostons) or the Baseball Club of Boston (Boston Baseball Club). More

Oakland Athletics Logo

Oakland Athletics Logo — The Oakland Athletics more often called “A’s” are a franchise of the MLB (Major League Baseball) based in Oakland. Founded in Philadelphia in 1901, this franchise is transferred to Kansas City in 1955 and then to Oakland in 1968. The Athletics are nine titles World Series. The first five were won in Philadelphia between 1910 and 1930 and the last four acquired Oakland from 1972 to 1989.

oakland athletics logo

oakland athletics logo

Athletics is the name refers to the many clubs and baptized in the second half of the xix th century the first of which the Philadelphia Athletics (1860-1876). The mascot of the great white elephant is tied to John McGraw , manager of the New York Giants, who nicknamed the team the Philadelphia white elephant. That’s when Connie Mack decided to make its mascot. More

St. Louis Cardinals Logo

St. Louis Cardinals Logo — The St. Louis Cardinals are a baseball team of Major League Baseball based in St. Louis, Missouri. They operate in the Central Division of the National League. The Cardinals are the defending champions of Major League Baseball since their victory in 2011 World Series. They have 18 appearances in World Series and are, with 11 successes, the team’s most successful National League. Only the New York Yankees in the American League have more titles than the Cardinals.

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st. louis cardinals logo

The franchise was founded in 1882 by American Association under the name St. Louis Brown Stockings, who quickly become the Browns. They are competitive and rapidly won four titles in the AA 1885, 1886, 1887 and 1888. They take part in World’s Championship Series between the champions of the AA than the National League. In a seven-game series, Chicago White Stockings and St. Louis Browns (3-3-1) on a separate row in 1885. The St. Louis Browns necessary the following season with four wins to two losses to the same Chicago White Stockings. The last two entries of the Browns to end with these series of defeats 5 wins against 10 defeats the Detroit Wolverines in 1887 and then against the New York Giants (4 wins, 6 losses) in 1888. More