New York Yankees Logo

New York Yankees Logo — The New York Yankees is a team of baseball career of Major League of America, based in New York (United States). They belong to the Eastern Division of the American League. The name “Yankees” originated from a variation of the term “American” American League, which is part of the team. This name is often shortened to “Yanks”. But the predominant nickname is “The Bronx Bombers” or simply “The Bombers”, a reference to his home and his prolific hitters in history. There are other less used as nicknames: “The winners of the Bronx”, “Pinstripers”, due to the characteristic local iconic uniforms.

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new york yankees logo

Critics often refer to the team and the organization as “The Evil Empire”, a term applied by the president of their arch rivals (Boston Red Sox), Larry Lucchino, in an interview with The New York Times. Other tumultuous term during the early 70’s “The Bronx Zoo”, which is sometimes used by detractors as well as “The Damn Yankees”, the latter is due to the musical work entitled the same way. All these nicknames have been adopted by fans. More

University of California Logo

University of California Logo — The University of California, Berkeley (also known as Cal , University of California , UC Berkeley , or simply Berkeley ) is a coeducational public university located in Berkeley , California . Is the matrix and the oldest of the campus of the University of California . Is recognized as the number one public university in the United States and worldwide. It is commonly confused by phonetic similarity with Berklee College of Music in Boston. Each year, more than 8,500 students receive a certificate, whether 5,500 degrees, 2,000 masters, 900 doctoral degrees and 200 doctorates in law.

University of California Logo

University of California Logo

In 1866 the property which is located the university was bought by Henry Durant in his goal of building a private school. Given the financial problems of Durant, he accepted the intrusion of the state of California. The result of such action was the union’s initial project with a public school that the government had promoted. In this mix came the university as it is known. The university received worldwide attention for the first time during the early and mid twentieth century, when it experienced a golden age in the physical sciences, chemical and biological weapons. Some of the most astonishing discoveries associated with the campus at that time were the discovery of fourteen chemical elements heavier than uranium and isolation of polonium . The head of the Manhattan Project , J. Robert Oppenheimer , was a professor of physics at Berkeley. Recent discoveries include the development of key technologies associated with the internet and the movement of free online software (open source). More

Stanford University Logo

Stanford University Logo — The Leland Stanford Junior University ( Leland Stanford Junior University in English ), known as Stanford University , located in Palo Alto ( California ), is a private university, considered one of the most prestigious in the United States and the world. It is located about 56 km southeast of San Francisco , on the grounds of Santa Clara County adjacent to the city of Palo Alto . The university is therefore in the geographical and historical heart of Silicon Valley .

Stanford Logo

Stanford Logo

Stanford was founded by tycoon rail and California Governor Leland Stanford and his wife, Jane Stanford . It was named after her only child, Leland Stanford Jr. , who died of typhoid fever in his teens. Locally known as La Granja ( The Farm ), because the university is located in what was the horse-breeding farm of Leland Stanford. The university opened its doors officially on October 1 of 1891 , a total of 559 students and 15 teachers, seven of which came from Cornell University . Originally it was not charged for instruction, and although the teaching was mixed, the number of women enrolled was limited for several years. More

University of Cambridge Logo

University of Cambridge Logo — The University of Cambridge is the second university in English-speaking oldest after Oxford . According to history , the University of Cambridge in England , was founded in 1209 by scholars who fled from Oxford , after a scuffle with officers of the city. King Henry III of England granted the monopoly of education in that place in 1231 . Together with the University of Oxford , the University of Cambridge as a large number of the leading scientists , writers and politicians of Great Britain . Both institutions are collectively known by the name of Oxbridge and are members of the Russell Group .

Cambridge Logo

Cambridge Logo

The thirty-one colleges that make up the university are separate and independent institutions of the university, enjoying a large degree of autonomy. The college oldest is Peterhouse , founded in 1284 by Hugh Balsham, Bishop of Ely . The second college was older King’s Hall, founded in 1317 , but no longer exists as an independent institution. Many colleges were founded in the centuries XIV and XV . Below is a list of all colleges that currently make up the university. However, some of them as Michaelhouse (which joined King’s Hall to make Trinity , by order of King Henry VII ) and Gonville Hall no longer exist. More

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Logo

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Logo — The Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT , the English Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) is an institution of higher education located in private Cambridge , Massachusetts ( United States ).MIT is divided into 6 schools and colleges that include a total of 32 academic departments, with a strong emphasis on scientific and technological research, which makes it one of the leading universities of the United States devoted to teaching and research in science , engineering and economics .

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massachusetts institute of technology logo

The engineering school is recognized as the best in the U.S. and the world by U.S. News & World Report . MIT was ranked worldwide as the best in technology by Times Higher Education-QS World University Rankings. The Institute has 76 Nobel laureates among its alumni and faculty (counting only those whose relationship with MIT has exceeded the year-long. If all were included, would be 80). Admission to MIT is extremely competitive, and has been classified by The Atlantic Monthly and other publications as the most selective college in the United States. More

Harvard University Logo

The Harvard University is a university located in private Cambridge , Massachusetts , United States . Part of the Ivy League and is the institution of higher education oldest U.S. Harvard today has, on average, a student population of around 6.650 students undergraduate and about 13,000 of graduate.

Harvard Logo Shield

Harvard Logo

Founded in 1636 under the name New College or the college at New Towne . Renamed Harvard College on March 13th of 1639 , in memory of his benefactor John Harvard , a young cleric who donated to the institution his library of 400 books and 779 pounds (which was half of his estate). In the new Massachusetts Constitution of 1780 is the first time the name change of Harvard College at Harvard University . More