Cincinnati Reds Logo — The Cincinnati Reds are a deductible of baseball of Major League Baseball located in Cincinnati (Ohio). They operate in the Central Division of the National League. The franchise was founded in 1882 by American Association building on the legacy of the Cincinnati Red Stockings, although the Reds have nothing to do with this franchise. The name Reds, however, is a direct reference to the Red Stockings, who were the first professional training in 1869. Another professional franchise is also activated by this name from 1876 to 1880 : the Cincinnati Red Stockings.

cincinnati reds logo

cincinnati reds logo

The Red Stockings won the title of the AA in 1882. They then move to the Bank Street Grounds (1882 — 83) before moving to League Park, which opened on 1st May 1884. The franchise leaves the American Association in November 1889 and joined the National League. The name is officially shortened to Red Stockings in Reds. More