St. Louis Cardinals Logo — The St. Louis Cardinals are a baseball team of Major League Baseball based in St. Louis, Missouri. They operate in the Central Division of the National League. The Cardinals are the defending champions of Major League Baseball since their victory in 2011 World Series. They have 18 appearances in World Series and are, with 11 successes, the team’s most successful National League. Only the New York Yankees in the American League have more titles than the Cardinals.

st. louis cardinals logo

st. louis cardinals logo

The franchise was founded in 1882 by American Association under the name St. Louis Brown Stockings, who quickly become the Browns. They are competitive and rapidly won four titles in the AA 1885, 1886, 1887 and 1888. They take part in World’s Championship Series between the champions of the AA than the National League. In a seven-game series, Chicago White Stockings and St. Louis Browns (3-3-1) on a separate row in 1885. The St. Louis Browns necessary the following season with four wins to two losses to the same Chicago White Stockings. The last two entries of the Browns to end with these series of defeats 5 wins against 10 defeats the Detroit Wolverines in 1887 and then against the New York Giants (4 wins, 6 losses) in 1888.

The Browns move to Sportsman’s Park in the early years of the club. In 1893, they relocated to Robison Field. The American Association ceased operations in 1892, when the Browns joined the National League. The franchise adopted the nickname Perfectos in 1899 and that of Cardinals in 1900. Sportingly since arriving back in National League, the Cardinals are purchased by Sat Breadon in 1920. He appoints Branch Rickey general manager. Rickey abandons the old Robison Field, he sells, and installs the team at Sportsman’s Park. He invested the money from the sale of the stadium in a system of affiliated clubs to train young talent. Rickey is considered the father of this training system already outlined before him by other owners and managers.

st. louis cardinals logo wallpaper

st. louis cardinals logo wallpaper

st. louis cardinals logo stl

st. louis cardinals logo stl

st. louis cardinals logo 2012

st. louis cardinals logo 2012

old st. louis cardinals logo

old st. louis cardinals logo