New York Yankees Logo — The New York Yankees is a team of baseball career of Major League of America, based in New York (United States). They belong to the Eastern Division of the American League. The name “Yankees” originated from a variation of the term “American” American League, which is part of the team. This name is often shortened to “Yanks”. But the predominant nickname is “The Bronx Bombers” or simply “The Bombers”, a reference to his home and his prolific hitters in history. There are other less used as nicknames: “The winners of the Bronx”, “Pinstripers”, due to the characteristic local iconic uniforms.

new york yankees logo

new york yankees logo

Critics often refer to the team and the organization as “The Evil Empire”, a term applied by the president of their arch rivals (Boston Red Sox), Larry Lucchino, in an interview with The New York Times. Other tumultuous term during the early 70’s “The Bronx Zoo”, which is sometimes used by detractors as well as “The Damn Yankees”, the latter is due to the musical work entitled the same way. All these nicknames have been adopted by fans.

As one of eight American League franchises, the club was originally established in Baltimore (Maryland) in 1901. At that time the team was called the Baltimore Orioles (not to be confused with current Baltimore Orioles, who were the Milwaukee Brewers in 1901), who moved to Manhattan in New York City in 1903. Since that time became known as the New York Highlanders due to the location of their new stadium (in the Hilltop Park between streets 165 and 168), which occupied part of the higher ground, in terms of elevation, of Manhattan. It was not until 1913 when the name New York Yankees became the team’s unique name. In 1923, the team moved to another across the river from Harlem to the Bronx.

The New York Yankees have won 27 World Series, of the 40 that played as well or have 40 pennants Championship Series American League. They are the team of the 4 major professional sports leagues (NBA, NFL, NHL, MLB), with more titles, followed by the Montreal Canadiens (from the NHL, with 24 titles won.) This team almost always reach the postseason.

new york yankees wallpaper

new york yankees wallpaper

new york yankees logo wallpaper

new york yankees logo wallpaper

new york yankees

new york yankees