Computer Logo

Apple TV Logo

Apple TV Logo — Apple TV is a set-top box manufacturers from Apple . She is a TV or a monitor connected and can play at this various media content that they have a local network receives. On 1 September 2010 Apple, the second on 7 March 2012 introduced the third generation.

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apple tv logo

After the huge success of iTunes Apple was the question of how the optimal device would look like for iTunes in the living room. In the form of iPods already existed a mobile device to iTunes. Quite unlike other announced by Steve Jobs , a new product called iTV before its implementation on the keynote on 12 September 2006. That a set-top box, no TV reception and no DVD player includes, unusually, was founded by Steve Jobs with the idea that the typical household has been living in all the devices to play it from CD, DVD or needed for receiving videos. The only thing missing is an iTunes player, with one’s digital media collection from another room (where a computer is) gets into the living room. The iTV was therefore consistently presented only as a wireless receiver. The whole argument highlighted by Steve Jobs with numerous illustrations, look like a typical living room with its many stacked devices, always was placed on top as the ultimate power on iTV. More

iCloud Logo

iCloud Logo — icloud is a cloud service, the company Apple , on 6 June 2011 in the framework of the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) is presented and on 12 October was set for 2011. icloud is from 1 July 2012 the former Apple online service MobileMe to replace.

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With icloud, it is possible to transfer data at a maximum of ten Apple devices and Windows computers to keep in sync. In addition to mail, contacts and calendar entries with the software MobileMe could be kept in sync, are photos icloud in (with the service photostream), accumulated books and music, and created or changed documents (with the service “documents in the cloud”) is automatically uploaded and synchronized with all devices of the owner, if he so desires. With the help of the additional program Find My Friends , an icloud users may post up to 50 other people his location to his prosecution on their iPhone or iPad to make. More

HTML5 Logo

HTML5 Logo — HTML5 ( H yper T ext M arkup L anguage , version 5) is the fifth major revision of the basic language of the World Wide Web , HTML . Specifies two variants HTML5 syntax to HTML: a “classic” HTML ( text / html ), the variant known as HTML5 and a variant XHTML syntax known as XHTML5 which must be served as XML (XHTML) (application / xhtml + xml). 1 2 This is the first time HTML and XHTML have been developed in parallel.

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HTML5 Logo

It is still in experimental mode, which indicates the W3C itself, although it is used by many web developers for its progress, improvements and benefits. Not being recognized by older versions of browsers for their new label, you are encouraged to common upgrade to newer, to enjoy the full potential that brings HTML5. The development of this code is governed by the Consortium W3C . More

Foursquare Logo

Foursquare Logo — Foursquare is a location-aware social network that is used primarily by software for mobile phones and smartphones work. The service uses the GPS capability of the devices to determine the current location of the user. Users can then “check in” at the sites, either via the website of Four Square, via SMS , or device-specific programs, which, inter alia, Android , BlackBerry , iPhone , Palm , Symbian , webOS and Windows Mobile are available. Even for Sony’s upcoming handheld PlayStation Vita is in the service development.

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Foursquare Logo

Foursquare was founded in 2009 by Dennis Crowley and Naveen Selvadurai founded. Crowley had earlier the similar project, “Dodgeball” was established as part of his studies at New York University. This was bought by Google in 2005 and 2009 and adjusted through Google Latitude replaced. , the interaction with users in Dodgeball was based purely on SMS, while Foursquare is used primarily by special apps. More

Instagram Logo

Instagram Logo — Instagram is a free photo-sharing application that allows users to take pictures, and apply a filter (the edited photo with his “followers” in English to follow = follow) to share.

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Instagram Logo

The Instagram app allows his photos in several social networks including Facebook , Twitter , Foursquare , Tumblr , Flickr distribute and Posterous. The application is compatible with iPhone , iPad or iPod touch and runs on IOS 3.1. 2 or higher. Instagram is a tribute to the Instamatic and Polaroid cameras from Kodak and is limited by the illumination of motives exclusively on a square shape. This is in contrast to the 3:2 aspect ratio of the IOS device is a rather unusual format cameras. More

iOS Logo

iOS Logo — iOS (until June 2010 iPhone OS ) is the standard operating system of Apple products, iPhone , iPod touch , iPad , and the second generation of Apple TV . iOS based on Mac OS X and provides a link to the iTunes Store and App Store .

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iOS Logo

The original operating system iPhone OS was on 9 January 2007 presented in conjunction with the newly released iPhone. It was a custom on the iPhone and is used on the ARM processor ported derivative of Mac OS X. Because the operating system as the iPhone and the iPod Touch and the iPad was used, the operating system, Apple on 7 June 2010 officially iOS renamed. Apple has renamed the corresponding brand names of Cisco Systems licensed. Cisco has since the 1980s, the naming rights for the Internetwork Operating System (IOS), which in their routers and switches will be used. The transferred license, however, refers only to the IOS name, not the particular technology. More