Foursquare Logo — Foursquare is a location-aware social network that is used primarily by software for mobile phones and smartphones work. The service uses the GPS capability of the devices to determine the current location of the user. Users can then “check in” at the sites, either via the website of Four Square, via SMS , or device-specific programs, which, inter alia, Android , BlackBerry , iPhone , Palm , Symbian , webOS and Windows Mobile are available. Even for Sony’s upcoming handheld PlayStation Vita is in the service development.

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Foursquare Logo

Foursquare was founded in 2009 by Dennis Crowley and Naveen Selvadurai founded. Crowley had earlier the similar project, “Dodgeball” was established as part of his studies at New York University. This was bought by Google in 2005 and 2009 and adjusted through Google Latitude replaced. , the interaction with users in Dodgeball was based purely on SMS, while Foursquare is used primarily by special apps.

Competitor Facebook led by Places also includes the possibility to check-in locations, and thus offers an alternative to Foursquare, but without the incentive and means of badges “Bürgermeistertum”.

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Foursquare Logo

Foursquare Logo

Foursquare Logo