Food & Drink Logo

Nutella Logo

Nutella Logo — Nutella is a product called Italian of the firm Ferrero (Italian food company founded in 1946). This cream of hazelnut and cocoa was created in 1963 by Pietro Ferrero, based on a cream used to be called Pasta Gianduja.

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A previous recipe, Gianduja was a mixture containing about 50% almond and / or hazelnut paste and 50% chocolate. It was developed in Piedmont, Italy, after taxes on cocoa beans hindered the manufacture and distribution of conventional chocolate. Pietro Ferrero, who owned a bakery in Alba in the Langhe district of Piedmont, an area known for the production of hazelnuts, sold an initial batch of 300 kilograms (660 pounds) of “Pasta Gianduja” in 1946. This was originally a solid block, but in 1949, Pietro began selling a creamy version in 1951 as “Supercrema”. More

Monster Energy Logo

Monster Energy Logo — Monster Energy is an energy drink that was launched by Hansen Natural in the year 2002. It is marketed and distributed by Hansen Natural Corporation, a company in Corona, California. MONSTER ENERGY Although not widely disseminated in the media, gets a lot of recognition for exercising their sponsorship in various sporting events.

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Hansen Natural Corporation announced a distribution agreement with Anheuser-Busch in the United States and Jumex in Mexico. Hansen Natural Corporation has recently announced a distribution agreement with PepsiCo Canada. Contracts with existing distributors were acquired in these markets. In Germany, Pepsi is the producer since 2010. More

Skittles Logo

Skittles Logo — Skittles is a brand of candy fruit chews produced and marketed by Mars, Incorporated. These are some hard sugar deposits with the letter S, marked on each sweet. The inside is mainly sugar and hydrogenated, vegetable oil along with fruit juice, citric acid, artificial flavor, identical to the real and artificial flavors, nature identical.

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The First Skittles were first made ​​in 1973 by a company English. In 1982, the production of Skittles began in the United States. The First Skittles sold in the European Union is made ​​in the markets of the Czech Republic. Later, they began to be manufactured in Victoria, Australia place from which are distributed in the markets of Australia and New Zealand. More

Oreo Logo

Oreo Logo — Oreo is a type of cracker created by the U.S. company Nabisco, characterized because it consists of two circular biscuits joined by a sweet creamy, forming a sandwich. The original oreos cookie were not black chocolate and cream strong vanilla, but today there are many varieties, keeping the basic style of design and preparation.

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Sold annually 20,000 million units worldwide Oreo cookies. The Oreo cookie is after the Big Mac from McDonalds, the best-selling food product in the world. The Oreo was introduced to the market in 1912. It was very similar to the Hydrox cookie competition, introduced in 1908, after having registered losses of market share to Oreo, was withdrawn in 1996. More

Baskin Robbins Logo

Baskin Robbins Logo — Baskin Robbins is a franchise of ice cream that belongs to the Dunkin ‘Brands. The company was founded in 1953, when Burt Baskin and Irvine Robbins merged their two businesses from ice cream parlors in the city of Glendale, California. It currently has more than 5,800 stores in over 30 countries. The franchise is best known for its slogan 31 flavors, which is the number of flavors of ice cream can be found at each facility, one for each day that has a month. Besides ice cream are sold frozen cakes, shakes, sundaes, coffee and ice cream tubs to take home.

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baskin robbins logo

On May 20th of 1948 two businessmen who were brothers, Burt Baskin and Robbins Irvinne, opened their first ice cream parlor in the city of Glendale, California. In the following years each opened his own ice cream franchises separately, until in 1953 the two merged their businesses in a common brand. More

Guinness Logo

Guinness Logo — Guinness is a stout type dry stout first brewed by the brewer Arthur Guinness in the brewery called St. James’s Gate Brewery located in the city of Dublin, Ireland. Guinness is produced since 1759. The beer is based on the style porter, which originated in London in early 1700. This is one of the best known beer brands and exported to most countries. It has come to beat many imitators. The distinguishing feature is the taste barley roasted which remains unfermented. For many years part of the beer was aged to give a flavor lactic, but Guinness has resigned confirm if this keeps happening. The thick, creamy foam is a result of a mixture of nitrogen added in the packaging.

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Guinness is a special case, where a brand of alcoholic drink made ​​by a private company has come to identify the soul of a nation. Guinness in Ireland is an institution in its own right, even to symbolize the Irish people. Currently and since 1997 belongs to the multinational Guinness brewery Diageo based in London, resulting from the merger of Guinness UDV and Grand Metropolitan plc. More