Minute Maid Logo — Minute Maid is a product line usually associated with orange juice but now extended to all kinds of drinks based on fruit juice. It is owned by The Coca-Cola Company. During World War II, the National Research Corporation (NRC) of Boston is developing a method of vacuum evaporation, initially for dehydrating medical products. In 1945, she uses it to successfully concentrate orange juice in the form of powder. The NRC then creates a company, the company moved to provide the U.S. Army in orange juice, and won a government contract for 750,000 dollars. The war ended before the plant has been built and the new company is transferred to the public market.

minute maid logo

minute maid logo

Rather than provide consumers with his orange juice in powder form, the firm decided to create a concentrated frozen. The process removes 80% of the water contained in the juice, while maintaining a better taste than the powder product. An advertising agency in Boston is the name Minute Maid, a kind of pun with minute and maid, which implies that the juice is easy and quick to prepare (maid, “good” in French, also sounds like made that is to say “fact”). In April 1946 the firm was renamed Vacuum Foods Corporation.

It is now possible to consume orange juice to taste fresh at all times of the year and away from producing regions, the product meets a quick success. In October 1949, the firm was renamed Minute Maid Corp. In 1960, Minute Maid was purchased by Coca-Cola. In 1973, the company brings to market the U.S. its first orange juice ready to drink, made ​​from frozen concentrate, used in a trade war with its rival Tropicana. In 1996 the name changed to The Minute Maid Company.

minute maid wallpaper

minute maid wallpaper

minute maid logo wallpaper

minute maid logo wallpaper

minute maid lemonade logo

minute maid lemonade logo

minute maid

minute maid