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Groupon Logo

Groupon Logo — The Groupon, Inc. is a U.S. company, which publishes several websites with discount offers runs. According to the company’s Groupon in 35 countries and has more than seventy million registered users. The company name is a portmanteau word from Group and coupon, and indicates the operation of the service: Groupon offers every day to a certain discount if enough people come together. The company receives a commission in this case. For this business model has become the term Groupon naturalized.

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Groupon Logo

The offers are valid for one city or region. At the start of Groupon in November 2008, Chicago , the first market, followed by Boston , New York City and Toronto . Groupon is in Germany in more than 40 cities and regions of active (January 2011) and competes with the portal Daily Deal for market leadership. Worldwide, the company serves over 1,000 markets. More

Joomla! Logo

Joomla! Logo — Joomla is a content management system that can be used independently. Its main virtue is to allow integration, add or edit the contents of a web site easily. It is an open source set mostly in PHP licensed under GPL. This content management system can work on local networks say to yourself, intranet or Internet and requires a database created with a manager MySQL and an Apache HTTP server.

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Joomla comes as the result of a fork of Mambo, Miro corporation of Australia, who kept the Mambo brand name at the time and the main group of developers. Joomla comes with this division on August 17, 2005. Miro Corporation formed a nonprofit organization with the initial purpose of establishing the project and protect it from lawsuits. The development team claimed that many of the clauses of the structure of the foundation were previous agreements made ​​by the steering committee of Mambo, which has no necessary consultancy who maintain the project and includes provisions that violate the core values ​​of open source. The development team created a Web site called OpenSourceMatters to distribute information to users, developers, Web designers and the community at large. At that time the leader Andrew Eddie, aka “MasterChief” wrote an open letter to the community, which appeared in the classified section public forum. More

Mortal Kombat Logo

Mortal Kombat Logo — Mortal Kombat (commonly abbreviated MK ) is a series of video games to fight created by Midway, characterized by realistic graphics digitized (what differentiated the game of his contemporaries who used hand-drawn graphics) and a brutal and bloody violence, including the famous Fatality.

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mortal kombat logo

The original game was developed as a reaction to Capcom and fighting game popular Street Fighter II: The World Warrior, with simpler controls and digitized graphics, players learned sequences filmed for the occasion. The original idea of Mortal Kombat was found to 1989 with the game content and history, but the project has resulted in the arcades in 1992, and later on other game systems Many have said that the graphic violence of the game was free, and was included only in order to produce the public outcry and controversy, by the same indirect advertising of the product. But although highly controversial, the mix of realism and violence propelled the game to a widespread and historic renown. More

Street Fighter Logo

Street Fighter Logo — Street Fighter is a series of video games to fight the company created by Japanese software Capcom, whose fame was increased from the year 1991, when he left the Street Fighter II (previously the company already enjoyed great popularity thanks to arcade games such as Ghouls’ n Ghosts, Strider, Final Fight, etc.) already since 1987 when the first part of this saga play enjoyed great popularity in the arcades (arcade, Coin-op or “slot machines”) having thousands of fans around the world and also was an excellent game for its time.

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However, was its sequel which caused a real revolution, leading to a new golden age of computer gaming. It sold several million copies of the cartridge and CD systems in consoles worldwide household, and followed multiple versions of it (some of them quite rare and of doubtful origin). More

Marvel Logo

Marvel Logo — Marvel Worldwide, Inc., better known as Marvel Comics is a publisher of American comic books published by emblematic figures of the genre superhero as Fantastic 4, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Captain America, The Avengers, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Wolverine and the X-Men. Although the company appeared in the last months of 1939 under the name Timely Publications, was from the 70’s the company became a major comic book publishers in the country. In August 2009, the multinational Walt Disney bought Marvel Entertainment for 4,000 million U.S. dollars.

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The publisher would later be known as Marvel Comics was born in 1939 under the name Timely Publication of the hand of a young businessman of 31 years named Martin Goodman, who had begun his career as an entrepreneur at age 24, with a small publisher of journals pulp call Western Fiction Publishing. Like other editors pulps of the time, Goodman decided to expand its editorial to the booming business of comics in 1939, and it engaged the services of Funnies Inc., a workshop for writers and illustrators specializes in creating comics for publishers who did not have enough money or time to create your own template (comic shop). More

Capcom Logo

Capcom Logo — Capcom Co., Ltd. is a Japanese developer and publisher of video games. Founded in 1979 as Japan Capsule Computers, a company engaged in the manufacture and distribution of video game machines. Its current name is the result of joining Cap sule Com puters. Capcom has created some of the most famous and enduring series in the history of videogames. He created his first arcade, Vulgus in 1984. His first games were still arcades like shoot’em up 1942.

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In the late 80’s, Yoshiki Okamoto joined after leaving Capcom Konami. In 1987 Capcom marketed the game Street Fighter and the same year also published platformer Mega Man ​​(Rockman in Japan) for the console Nintendo Entertainment System. Final Fight, a beat’em up, was posted: in 1989. In 1991, Street Fighter II, of Yoshi Okamoto, arrived in the arcades. Resident Evil (Biohazard in Japan), a successful survival horror, was released for PlayStation in 1996. More