Industry Logo

Nestle Logo

Nestle Logo — The Société des Produits Nestlé SA , known internationally as Nestlé , is, in 2005, the largest food processing company in the world. Headquartered in Vevey , Switzerland . The product range offered by Nestlé ranging from mineral water to animal feed, through products and milk chocolate. He has more than 200,000 workers worldwide.

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The company was founded in 1866 by German immigrants in Switzerland Henri Nestlé , a pharmacist who had developed a food for infants unable to breast feed (or any of the usual substitutes the time). The value of the discovery made ​​possible a rapid expansion in America and Europe, increased by the merger in 1905 with the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company , which despite being a larger company adopted the name of the little that was already very famous. More

Texaco Logo

Texaco Logo — Texaco Petroleum Co is a company Oil States based in New York . Founded in 1902 under the name of The Texas Company, adopted its current name in 1959 . He is currently a subsidiary of Chevron Corp.

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Its social purpose is the production and marketing of oil and derivatives. By volume of sales (31,613,000 of U.S. dollars ), held in 1986 in third place among the largest oil companies in the United States . In that year a net profit of $ 725 million and employed 51,978 employees. In February of 1984 acquired ownership of the oil company Getty Oil . More

Durex Logo

Durex Logo -Durex is a brand used for various products around the world but is known primarily as the brand condoms manufactured by the multinational SSL International, based in the United Kingdom .The name was licensed in 1929 by The London Rubber Company , is an acronym for ” Du rability, Re liability, and Ex cellence “(in Spanish, durability, reliability, and excellence).

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Durex condoms represent around one quarter of global sales of condoms, making nearly one billion units in its 17 factories worldwide. The range includes sales of Durex condoms nine varieties of latex condom and the Avanti, which is the first male condom made ​​of polyurethane . They make so people allergic to latex can use another type of condom. The polyurethane keeps your user has an allergic reaction, but not the best to prevent sexually transmitted diseases . More

General Electric Logo

General Electric Logo — The General Electric Company ( NYSE : GE ), also known as GE , is a corporation conglomerate multinational infrastructure, financial services, and highly diversified media originating from the U.S. . Originally built in Schenectady , New York , the company currently based in Fairfield , Connecticut . From energy, water, transportation and health to financial services and information, GE is present in over 100 countries and has over 300,000 employees throughout the world.

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general electric logo

GE operates through four segments: Energy , Technology Infrastructure , Capital Finance and Consumer & Industrial . is also the owner of the media company NBCUniversal . GE is one of the symbols of U.S. capitalism, being a multinational company present all over the world and in many sectors. In 2011 , the company was honored by Fortune for sixth place on the list of the largest firms in the United States, and fourteenth on the list of U.S. companies more profitable. Other classifications for 2011 included as the seventh company leaders ( Fortune ), the fifth largest global brand ( Interbrand ), the 82nd company “green” ( Newsweek ), the thirteenth most admired company ( Fortune ), and the nineteenth most innovative company ( Fast Company ). More

Swatch Logo

Swatch Logo — Swatch Group is a Swiss watchmaker, and a signature Swiss watches .Although clocks were originally made ​​of plastic, with movement of quartz and fun designs, today there are digital models, machines and metal. The Swatch was originally intended to recapture the basic level of the market that Swiss manufacturers had lost in the decade of 1970 in the hands of Japanese companies like Seiko or Citizen , of quartz clocks and LCD digital watches.

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Compared to conventional watches, a Swatch was 80% cheaper to produce by using a fully automated assembly process and reducing the number of parts, of the usual 91 or more, only 51 components. The mechanical design was based on a previous watch, Delirium, which was the flatter the world by integrating the motherboard of the mechanism in the caseback. More

Yellow Pages Logo

Yellow Pages Logo — In many countries, yellow pages, refer to a telephone directory for businesses organized by type of product or service. As the name suggests, in most cases the appearance of paper pages contain background yellow .

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The yellow pages are usually published in several volumes of paper (depending on the population of the area) each year and distributed free in all residences and places of business in a certain area (usually a city or county). Most listings are presented in small print black. The yellow pages publishers make profits by providing added values ​​such as the use of a larger text font to highlight, or by the use of advertising claims in the listings by category. Since the mid 1990’s with the introduction of printing using four color advertisements began to be made ​​in color. More