Durex Logo -Durex is a brand used for various products around the world but is known primarily as the brand condoms manufactured by the multinational SSL International, based in the United Kingdom .The name was licensed in 1929 by The London Rubber Company , is an acronym for ” Du rability, Re liability, and Ex cellence “(in Spanish, durability, reliability, and excellence).

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Durex condoms represent around one quarter of global sales of condoms, making nearly one billion units in its 17 factories worldwide. The range includes sales of Durex condoms nine varieties of latex condom and the Avanti, which is the first male condom made ​​of polyurethane . They make so people allergic to latex can use another type of condom. The polyurethane keeps your user has an allergic reaction, but not the best to prevent sexually transmitted diseases .

The London Rubber Company was a small company founded in London in 1915 by LA Jackson, a representative form of hairdressing in a small room behind a tobacconist, selling condoms imported from Germany. The business of condoms became important in the early twentieth century London and the company soon began to increase their income. In 1929 the London Rubber Company registered the brand Durex, an acronym formed from the English voiceover Durability, Reliability & Excellence (durability, reliability and excellence), a name that combined the qualities that should have a condom. Even today there is the popular belief that the name refers to Durable Durex Latex (latex goods).

In 1932, opened its first Durex condom factory in Hackney, specializing in the production of latex condoms. This action was ultimately consolidated the business, and increased demand led to the London Rubber Company soon became a corporation. With the outbreak of World War II became increasingly more complicated the provision of condoms from Germany, and finally broke down completely in 1941. In this situation, the London Rubber Company had to expand to meet the high demand for Durex condoms she received from the armed forces in combat.

In 1950 the company became publicly owned. It was then launched, thanks to the injection of capital that this meant a process of technological innovation that was to culminate in the full automation of the manufacturing process of condoms, a pioneer in this regard. With this new system could make more of Durex condoms in less time, and further improved the technique of manufacturing the same, which allowed a higher quality end product.

Moving in this direction, Durex was the first brand that in 1953, developed an electronic system tested condoms, definitely putting it in the process of manufacturing the same. Currently this process is one of the main guarantees of the brand. In 1957, Durex launched in the UK the first lubricated condom in the world. This innovation would end up being introduced for all brands of condoms.

In 1962 the London Rubber opened its first Family Planning Clinic in the UK and Durex condoms became available through the National Health System. The purchase of Julius Schmid Inc. in 1963 was the gateway to the American market. The following year, Durex got through the British Standard and also launched Durex Information Service. The LRC also launched the first prophylactic vending machines. The first major supply contract with the new system would come in 1968 with a brewery. A year later Durex launched the first anatomically shaped condom.

The business continued to grow throughout the 70’s, into a common subject of sale in pubs, convenience stores and supermarkets around the world in the early 80’s. This phenomenon was also encouraged by the discovery of AIDS and HIV and the protection that condoms provide time to prevent the spread of the disease, which meant, in turn, a significant increase in sales. In 1982, Durex launched its first advertising campaign using posters with the slogan “Closer Encounters” (close encounters), two years later won the award for Best Print Ad Cleo International, thanks to your ad that featured a pregnant woman. In 1987, Durex was the first condom brand announced on television. In parallel, the British government launched its “Do not die of ignorance” (do not die of ignorance).

The 90’s successes was plagued for Durex. In 1994 he launched his first campaign for the promotion and sponsorship on an international scale through the MTV Europe, arriving with her more than 49 million young people from 37 countries. The following year launched its website and also their condoms were first distributed under the brand of the European Community. In 1996 went on sale the first pack of condoms with different flavors, Durex Select, the result of intensive research on the habits and behavior of users of condoms. He also began to operate another website for professional scientific and medical researchers with answers frequently updated on contraception and sexual health.

Durex sold in 1997 the first polyurethane condom, Durex Avanti. This was revolutionary because it solved the problem of many users and also allergic to latex condoms getting thinner than the first and could be used with oil-based lubricants. In 1999, London International Group, conglomerate owner of the London Rubber Company, merged with Seton Scholl, forming SSL International plc., Which now belongs Durex brand. In the same year the company acquired the newly created Australian Saturn condom brand, expanding the market in that country.

Durex accounts for a quarter of the world market for prophylactic and produces 1000 million units per year in 17 factories located in various parts of the world. In 2000, he launched a “easy-on” (easy to make), which makes your condoms are easier and more comfortable to use, and began its expansion in Japan. In 2002 its first online Global Sex Survey, which will serve to prepare the annual Durex Report, which has become a benchmark in terms of data on sexuality and sexual habits. Currently, the Durex brand was acquired in 2010 by the multinational Reckitt Benckiser. As is characteristic of this company innovation is the cornerstone for the future of the brand.

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