Myspace Logo — Myspace is a service of social network owned by Specific Media LLC and the star of pop Justin Timberlake. Myspace was launched in August 2003 and is based in Beverly Hills, California. In August 2011, MySpace had 33.1 million visitors in the United States.

myspace logo

myspace logo

In July 2005, News Corporation bought MySpace and Intermix Media for $ 580 million. From 2005 to 2008, Myspace was the most visited social network in the world, and in June of 2006 surpassed Google as the most visited site on the net in the United States. In April 2008, MySpace was overtaken by Facebook. Since then, the number of users of Myspace has been declining steadily despite several redesigns. In September 2011, MySpace was on place 91 of the total traffic on the network. More