Chievo Verona Logo — The Associazione Calcio ChievoVerona is a club football in Italy and represents the small district of “Chievo,” the city of Verona , in the region of Veneto . Founded in 1929 as “Opera Nazionale Dopolavoro Chievo” and play in the season 2010-2011 in the Serie A Italian football.

AC Chievo verona logo

AC Chievo verona logo

In 2001 , with coach Luigi Delneri , the team wins the promotion in Serie A , which debuts in the season 2001 — 2002 . Everyone thought a brief share of the team’s top competition in Verona Italy, but the reality was different: in the first half of the season Delneri team remained in the top of the league. The good results in the second half of the season allowed him to finish in 5 th place in the series A, a single point after AC Milan which ended in the 4th, and qualify for the UEFA Cup for the first time in its history . In subsequent seasons the team confirmed that his results were not the result of a miracle or a dream, but a good organization and work of men very important for the team as sports director Giovanni Sartori , very good at scouting young or forgotten, President Luca Campedelli , who has never mess for his statements and a group of young players, old and talented they were not afraid of anything. Experience in the UEFA Cup ended in the first round against Red Star Belgrade and the team finished in seventh place after the season 2002 — 2003 .

Season 2003 — 2 004 was the last season in Verona Luigi Delneri and many major players like Eugenio Corini and Cristiano Lupatelli and the team finished in ninth place. The following season was very difficult for the “flying donkeys” (so they decided to call the Chievo fans after a song from Hellas Verona fans said they could give a match in Serie A between the two teams only if they flew asses .) New coach Mario Beretta was unable to confirm the results of its predecessor and was dismissed from the company before the last games of the season 2004 — 2005 . His replacement was Maurizio D’Angelo , a young coach who until a few years was the team captain. With your help the team finished in the fifteenth and managed to remain in Serie A in Italy.

Chievo Verona Logo Wallpaper

Chievo Verona Logo Wallpaper

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chievo verona logo

chievo verona logo