Shell Logo — The Royal Dutch Shell is a company of hydrocarbons Anglo — Dutch which has interests in sectors oil , the natural gas and refining of gasoline . It is one of the largest multinationals in the world, and one of the four largest in the oil industry with BP , ExxonMobil and Total . In 2009 the magazine Fortune ranked the company the more money flow in the world. And in the 2011 edition, ranked second right after Walmart.

shell logo

shell logo

The origin of the Shell brand is linked to the origins of the Shell Transport and Trading Company . In 1833 the founder’s father, also named Marcus Samuel, founded an important business to sell seashells to collectors in London . When collecting specimens of sea shells in the area of the Caspian Sea in 1892 , the younger Samuel realized there was potential in exporting lamp oil from the region and commissioned the first ship built to carry oil in the world, Murex , to enter this market. For 1907 , the company had a fleet of tankers. More