Princeton University Logo – Princeton University is a private university in the United States . The university was founded in 1746 in Elizabeth (New Jersey) as “College of New Jersey.” In 1756 they moved the college to Princeton (New Jersey) , but the original name was retained as yet. Only in 1896 was the College of New Jersey renamed Princeton University. Princeton was the fourth university in the history of the United States who began giving lessons. The university belongs to the Ivy League , a group of private universities in the United States known for their high academic level. Princeton also belongs to the nine Colonial Colleges , the nine U.S. universities that were established before the American Revolution .

princeton university logo

princeton university logo

Princeton is one of the most selective universities in the United States in 2010 was only 8% of registrations for the bachelor accepted. By comparison, Harvard accepted 6.9% and Yale 7.5%. U.S. News & World Report ‘s “America’s Best Colleges 2009″ put Princeton on the second position in terms of selectivity (shared with Yale , Harvard and MIT ).

Although Harvard the wealthiest university in the world, Princeton is the richest university per student. This is because the number of students at Princeton lower. Many of Prince Tons wealth is used to provide financial support to students. In 2001, Princeton was the first university loans scraped from its financial aid program. Since 2001 only financial support of grants that are given as gifts and therefore are not reimbursable. About 60% of students receive financial aid. U.S. News & World Report and Princeton Review Princeton University as both the least students with debt after graduation. Estimates that Princeton graduates with financial assistance have a debt of $ 2.360, compared with a national average of about $ 20,000.

Housing on campus is guaranteed for all university students during their four-year Bachelor program. As a result, more than 98 percent of students on campus live in dormitories. First and second year students must attend one of the Residential Colleges, while the third and fourth year usually identified in the appropriate “upperclassman” dormitory housing. The actual dormitories are similar, except that only the Residential Colleges dining rooms. Recently, third-and fourth-year option also received the full four years in a Residential College to spend. Third and fourth year also have the option to live outside campus, but the high rent in the Princeton area encourages almost all students live in university housing. Social life revolves around the Residential Colleges and the ten “Eating Clubs” where students can join in the second semester of their second year. Eating clubs, which are not officially affiliated with the university, have a role as dining rooms and common areas for their members. They also organize parties and other social events throughout the academic year.

princeton university

princeton university

Prince Tons six Residential Colleges organize a variety of social events, outings and activities, including visiting professors and other prominent people such as Edward Norton , a special sneak preview of Fight Club organized. The Residential Colleges are perhaps best known for their performing arts trips to New York City. Students can apply for travel to ballets, operas, Broadway shows, sporting events and other activities. The “Eating Clubs”, located on Prospect Avenue (which is nicknamed ‘the Street’ is) are houses where most of the third and fourth year of their meals eat well, the club evenings and weekends as social meeting places for members and guests. Once a semester the Eating Clubs jointly organize a musical event where artists like Lupe Fiasco , BOB , Wiz Khalifa and the Roots occur.