Swisscom Logo — Swisscom is a Swiss of telecommunications, of telephone and mobile phone and is also an Internet service provider. The former state-owned PTT (Post, Telegraph, Telephone, founded 1852) was privatized in stages from 1988 and became a limited company with a special legal status in October 1998. The Swiss Confederation is currently 52.00% of the share capital. The Companies Act of telecommunications beyond the limits of participation to 49.9% of the capital.

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In his message of April 5, 2006, the Federal Council proposed that Parliament should be completely private Swisscom and the Swiss Confederation should sell their shares in stages. On May 10, 2006, the National Council refused to support the proposal. On May 20, 2006, the Advisory Committee of the Council of State informed the Council of States to approve the proposal — but only so he could be returned to the Federal Council for review.

Swisscom announced its new visual identity, the December 14, 2007. The previous sub-brands of Swisscom Fixnet, Swisscom Mobile and Swisscom Solutions ceased to exist on January 1, 2008. Part of the new identity includes a redesigned logo with an element of moving image, an innovation in Switzerland and in the industry.

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