Walgreens Logo — Walgreens ( Walgreen Co. ) is a US-based retail chain with headquarters in Deerfield , Illinois , the pharmaceutical products in the United States sold. Walgreens is in the stock index S & P 100 listed. The company has approximately 7,000 sales offices in the United States and Puerto Rico . About 2,000 of these stores are open 24 hours a day.

Walgreens Logo

Walgreens Logo

In a typical Walgreens business employs 25-30 employees. In addition to the pharmaceutical industry , there is a photo industry , a cosmetics department and a general range of sales products . Main competitors are the companies CVS Caremark Corporation , Wal-Mart , Rite Aid and Target Corporation .Walgreens was by Charles R. Walgreen founded the first retail store in 1901 in Chicago opened, Illinois. More