Iberdrola Logo

Iberdrola Logo — Iberdrola based in Bilbao, is a privately held global level, with experience forged over more than 150 years of history, which has about 33,000 employees in over 40 countries on four continents and serves 30 million customers. Following the growth and internationalization process undertaken since 2001, Iberdrola is today the first Spanish energy group by market value, the world’s leading wind farm and a major global power market capitalization.

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Thanks to corporate operations carried out in recent years, especially the integration of Scottish Power Scottish and the acquisition of Energy East, as well as the presence in Mexico and Brazil, where he bought in 2011 the distributor Elektro The group has focused its activity in the Atlantic area, where it hopes to continue growing. More

Gas Natural Logo

Gas Natural Logo — Fenosa Gas (corporate name: Gas Natural SDG, SA) is a multinational energy gas sector leader in Spain and Latin America as well as the fourth largest in the world by volume of gas transported and one of the largest operators of combined cycle world, with strong presence in Mexico where it is the second largest private operator of power generation. (Ticker on the Madrid Stock Exchange: GAS).

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Following the recent acquisition of power company Union Fenosa, the third in the Spanish market, Gas Natural Group has achieved its goal of integrating the businesses of electricity and gas company with long experience in the energy sector. Its head office is in the city of Barcelona (Spain). The new company headquarters building is located on the site occupied by the former gasworks in the city in the neighborhood of La Barceloneta. Its current president is Salvador Gabarro Serra and Chief Executive Officer Rafael Villaseca Marco. More

Endesa Logo

Endesa Logo — Endesa is a Spanish company with Italian capital in the electricity sector and gas company, founded by the National Institute of Industry on 18 November of 1944 under the name of Empresa Nacional de Electricidad, SA, as part of the autarkic policies of early Franco own, to a public company controlled by a sector is considered strategic, like other companies such as Iberia or SEAT. Since 2009, after a controversial takeover bid, is a 92% subsidiary of the Italian semi-public company Enel.

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Compostilla I was his first production plant was opened in the early 50’s in Ponferrada, a power plant designed to minimize reliance had hitherto of hydropower. In the 60’s was created Compostilla II, in the municipality of Cubillos del Sil (Leon). More

Samsung Galaxy S III Logo

Samsung Galaxy S III Logo — The Samsung Galaxy S III (GT-i9300) is a smartphone Android announced by Samsung on May 3, 2012 in London. It is the successor to theSamsung Galaxy S II . This device goes on sale in Europe on May 29, 2012, delayed his departure until June in other countries like the United States or India.

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The device will be available in 2 colors: ” White Marble “and” Stone Blue “with many new features both in the field of software, and accessories.Among the innovations we have, Stay Smart (the screen stays on while the user turns to look at it), Direct Call (which allows the user to call a person whose text messages are currently on the screen by simply picking up the phone to ear), Pop Up Play (Lets have a video screen while doing other things, as a floating window), S Voice , Buddy Photo Sharing , Share Allcast Dongle , Cast Group (document sharing), wireless charging (with accessory) , S Pebble MP3 player , C-Pen , housing super-thin … The terminal will be available in 16 GB, 32 GB and 64 GB and 50 GB extra space on the online service Dropbox for 2 years, doubling the capacity offered by HTC ‘s (25 GB for 2 years). It is currently the best Android smartphone market. More

Vivo Logo

Vivo Logo — Vivo SA is a company of mobile telephony , fixed telephony services and broadband in Brazil . Initially formed by a merger of existing mobile phone companies in Brazil, previously was run by a joint venture of companies Telefonica and Portugal Telecom , but the former bought the latter throughout the company in the second half of 2010. A 2009 data, Vivo SA had 45.6 million customers at home. Technology uses CDMA / EVDO ,GSM / EDGE , TDMA and WCDMA / HSPA ( 3G ) in mobile phones. Since 2007 the network using AMPS networks simultaneously with TDMAand CDMA , but now is off to release the electromagnetic spectrum to deploy GSM network. It is the mobile operator largest by market share in Brazil. In the first quarter of 2012, made ​​the unification of telephony services with the services offered in the state of São Paulo (formerly “Telefonica São Paulo”) under the “Live” and is currently the only brand of telephony Telefonica Group in Brazil.

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Before unification, some companies used the technology CDMA , but in 2007, Vivid has adapted the technology GSM , which has already been implemented in all states of Brazil, and Mexico City, becoming the sole operator who works with technology CDMA , TDMA and GSM in Brazil. More

PNC Financial Services Logo

PNC Financial Services Logo — PNC Financial Services (PNC) is a US-based company, headquartered in Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania . The company is in the stock index S & P 500 listed.

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PNC offers financial services of various kinds for its customers. In retail banking, the company has around five million customers and is equipped with 2550 branches in 13 U.S. states and in Washington, DC represented. PNC is also known as asset managers operate and offers its own financial products. Other priorities include the credit business with corporate clients, acting as custodian , the securities lending . More