AOL Logo — AOL Inc., formerly known as America Online, is an internet services company based media and New York. Has franchised its services to companies in several countries around the world or set up international versions of its services. With regional branches around the world, is the former “American giant of the Internet service providers” that once had more than 30 million subscribers on several continents. In January 2000, AOL and Time Warner announced plans to join. The terms of the plea bargain left AOL with 55% of the combined company. The union was closed in January 2001, after receiving approvals from the FCC, the FTC and the European Union, thus forming the AOL Time Warner Company.

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The control of AOL Time Warner Company was divided between executives of both companies, as follows: Gerald Levin, who had served as chief executive of Time Warner, was named executive director of the new company. Steve Case (AOL) was appointed President, J. Benito Camelo (AOL) CFO, Robert W. Pittman (AOL) and Dick Parsons (Time Warner) as co-director of operations. The total value consequently AOL declined from 226,000 million to 20,000 million. Similarly, decreased customer base to 10.1 million subscribers in November 2007, just ahead of Comcast and AT&T Yahoo.

The dramatic decline in AOL’s subscriber base, which had more than 30 million subscribers. During 2005, identified various news companies such as Yahoo!, Microsoft, and Google as candidates to buy part of the company. These plans were abandoned when it was revealed apparently the December 20, 2005 Google to buy 5% of AOL for $ 1 billion. In the UK, the Internet access business of AOL was bought by Carphone in October 2006 to take advantage of its 100,000 registered users, who turned to Carphone largest provider in the UK.

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