Alexa Logo — Alexa Internet is a California based in San Francisco founded in April 1996. It is owned by Amazon. His website is known for providing statistics on Web sites traffic web world. Alexa Internet was founded in 1996 by Brewster Kahle and Bruce Gilliat. The company provides a toolbar offering the user a navigation guide based on traffic patterns of its user community. Alexa also provides background on each site visited: by which it was recorded, its download speed, the number of links pointing to it, other sites visited, etc. Engineers at Alexa, associated with the Internet Archive, created the Wayback Machine, a sort of time machine to go back. It indexes the pages at regular intervals websites since their inception.
In 1999, Alexa was acquired by for about $ 250 million on the stock market. The headquarters of the company is located in Building 37 of the Presidio of San Francisco. Alexa has partnered with Google in spring 2002 and the Open Directory Project in January 2003. Live Search replaced Google as a provider of search results in May 2006. In September 2006, Alexa began using its own platform to produce research results. In December 2006, Alexa launched Alexa Image Search. Developed internally, it is the first large-scale application to be built on their web platform. Today, Alexa is primarily a search engine, a web directory based on Open Directory and provider of information on the websites of the web. More