link4544 link4545 link4546 link4547 link4548 link4549 link4550 link4551 link4552 link4553 link4554 link4555 link4556 link4557 link4558 link4559 link4560 link4561 link4562 link4563 link4564 link4565 link4566 link4567 link4568 link4569 link4570 link4571 link4572 link4573 link4574 link4575 link4576 link4577 link4578 link4579 link4580 link4581 link4582 link4583 link4584 link4585 link4586 link4587 link4588 link4589 link4590 link4591 link4592 link4593 link4594 link4595 link4596 link4597 link4598 link4599 link4600 link4601 link4602 link4603 link4604 link4605 link4606 link4607 link4608 link4609 link4610 link4611 link4612 link4613 link4614 link4615 link4616 link4617 link4618 link4619 link4620 link4621 link4622 link4623 link4624 link4625 link4626 link4627 link4628 link4629 link4630 link4631 link4632 link4633 link4634 link4635 link4636 link4637 link4638 link4639 link4640 link4641 link4642 link4643 link4644 link4645 link4646 link4647 link4648 link4649 link4650 link4651 link4652 link4653 link4654 link4655 link4656 link4657 link4658 link4659 link4660 link4661 link4662 link4663 link4664 link4665 link4666 link4667 link4668 link4669 link4670 link4671 link4672 link4673 link4674 link4675 link4676 link4677 link4678 link4679 link4680 link4681 link4682 link4683 link4684 link4685

Electronics Logo

Logitech Logo

Logitech Logo — Logitech is a company dedicated to the electronics that manufactures peripherals for computers personal, mainly mice and keyboards. The company “Logitech” was founded in 1981 in Switzerland. Initially devoted to the production of mice OEM spreading rapidly to direct sales of peripherals for personal computers (PC). Currently the company generates sales of more than 1,000 million dollars a year, almost all by products such as mice, keyboards and video cameras cheap, under $ 100. Logitech earned his reputation as a technology innovator in the competitive business of personal computer peripherals.

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logitech logo

Among other things, was the first company to introduce a mouse that would work with infrared light instead of the sphere, and the first to launch wireless mice and keyboards. Logitech apart from the competition for its continuous innovation (in 2003 introduced 91 new products), its prestigious brand and its strong presence in stores. Also important but less obvious to consumers, was the way the company set up its global value chain to reduce production costs while maintaining the values ​​that underlie their differentiation. More

Nook Logo

Nook Logo — Internal Tarn-name Bravo . Since the beginning of 2010 (announced on 20 October 2009) distributes Barnes & Noble its own electronic reading device ( e-book reader ) under the name NOOK ( made-up word , consisting of book and Noble, Barnes could not be used because it again resulting book would, in the English Nook is also the word for hiding). Barnes & Noble is in addition to Amazon ‘s second major book seller who brings their own (or licensed under their own name) e-reader on the market.

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nook logo

The NOOK is equipped with a central display, thus a reading surface features in e-ink technology and include a color touch screen. It is also connected via wireless (either UMTS or via Wi-Fi ) and Internet-enabled and connected to the Barnes & Noble store. The NOOK is currently a combination of 3G / WiFi available or only Wifi (starting in May 2010). At the same time the price for the NOOK 3G has been reduced in price. Amazon, as a direct competitor of Barnes & Noble in North America, its corresponding reduced offer only hours later. The NOOK (3G/WiFi, wireless) has been more than a million copies sold (June 2010). More

Bluetooth Logo

Bluetooth Logo — Bluetooth is an industrial specification for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN) that transmits voice and data between devices via a link by radiofrequency in the ISM band of 2.4 GHz . The main objectives to be achieved this standard are:

Bluetooth Logo

Bluetooth Logo

  • Facilitate communications between mobile and fixed.
  • Eliminate cables and connectors between them.
  • Offer the possibility of creating small wireless networks and facilitate the synchronization of data between personal computers.

The most common devices that use this technology are in areas of telecommunications and computer personnel, such as PDAs , mobile phones , laptops , personal computers , printers or digital cameras . More

Huawei Logo

Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.. Headquartered in Shenzhen , Guangdong , People’s Republic of China . It is the largest manufacturer of networking and telecommunications equipment in China and one of the world leaders in this industry.

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huawei logo

Founded in 1988 by Ren Zhengfei , Huawei Technologies is a private high-tech company specializing in research and development (R & D), production and marketing of communications equipment and provides customized network solutions for operators in the telecommunications industry. Huawei provides 35 of the largest telecom operators in the world and annually invests 10% of their profits in research and development. 1 In addition to its research and development centers in Shenzhen , Shanghai , Beijing , Nanjing , Xi’an , Chengdu , and Wuhan in China , Huawei also has R & D centers in Sweden , U.S. , Ireland , Mexico , India and Moscow . More

Kinect Logo

Kinect Logo — Kinect for Xbox 360 , or simply Kinect (originally known by the codename “Project Natal”), 2 is “a game controller free entertainment “created by Alex Kipman , developed by Microsoft for the gaming console Xbox 360 , and since June 2011 to PC via Windows 7 and Windows 8 . 3 Kinect allows users to control and interact with the console without having physical contact with a traditional video game controller, through a natural user interface that recognizes gestures, commands voice , 4 and objects and images. The device is aimed primarily at increasing the use of the Xbox 360, beyond the base of players who currently owns. 5 As such, rivaling systems Kinect Wiimote with Wii MotionPlus and PlayStation Move , which also control the movement consoles Wii and PlayStation 3 respectively.

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kinect logo

Kinect was released in North America on November 4, 2010 and in Europe on November 10, 2010. It was released in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore on November 18, 2010, and in Japan on November 20 of that year. The purchase options for Kinect sensor includes: a package with the device itself and the Xbox 360, either with a 4 GB or 250 GB and the game Kinect Adventures , a sensor package that includes the game Kinect Adventures another (limited time) that includes the device with the game Kinect Kinect Adventures and a code that lets you download the game Child of Eden. More

Leica Camera Logo

Leica Camera Logo — The Leica Camera AG ( Leica: Abbreviation for Lei tz (magnetic) Ca camera ) is a publicly traded German companies in the optical industry with headquarters in Solms . The company specializes in the manufacture of cameras and binoculars. Leica Camera AG was formed in 1986 from the Ernst Leitz Wetzlar GmbH , the successor company of the Carl Kellner 1849 in Wetzlar , founded Optical Institute .

Leica Camera Logo

Leica Camera Logo

With the Leica cameras became established, the small format 24×36 mm. In comparison with other available medium format cameras with roll film or bulky large-format cameras can be transported much more easily and quickly used. This advantage was first described by an artistic and journalistic vanguard detected. It developed a new kind of dynamic reportage photography . Leica cameras have been widely copied around the world, or copied. One of the first serious rival companies was Zeiss Ikon with the Contax . More