link4544 link4545 link4546 link4547 link4548 link4549 link4550 link4551 link4552 link4553 link4554 link4555 link4556 link4557 link4558 link4559 link4560 link4561 link4562 link4563 link4564 link4565 link4566 link4567 link4568 link4569 link4570 link4571 link4572 link4573 link4574 link4575 link4576 link4577 link4578 link4579 link4580 link4581 link4582 link4583 link4584 link4585 link4586 link4587 link4588 link4589 link4590 link4591 link4592 link4593 link4594 link4595 link4596 link4597 link4598 link4599 link4600 link4601 link4602 link4603 link4604 link4605 link4606 link4607 link4608 link4609 link4610 link4611 link4612 link4613 link4614 link4615 link4616 link4617 link4618 link4619 link4620 link4621 link4622 link4623 link4624 link4625 link4626 link4627 link4628 link4629 link4630 link4631 link4632 link4633 link4634 link4635 link4636 link4637 link4638 link4639 link4640 link4641 link4642 link4643 link4644 link4645 link4646 link4647 link4648 link4649 link4650 link4651 link4652 link4653 link4654 link4655 link4656 link4657 link4658 link4659 link4660 link4661 link4662 link4663 link4664 link4665 link4666 link4667 link4668 link4669 link4670 link4671 link4672 link4673 link4674 link4675 link4676 link4677 link4678 link4679 link4680 link4681 link4682 link4683 link4684 link4685

Fiverr Logo

Fiverr is a website that was founded in Israel by Micha Kaufman and Shai Wininger. They wanted to provide a platform for people to be able to buy and sell a variety of small/micro services at a low price that was normally only offered by freelance contractors. It includes categories such as graphic design, writing, programming, and advertising.

Fiverr Logo

Fiverr Logo

Fiverr manages and regulates the buying and selling of jobs, or what they call “gigs”, online. There are more than 1,000,000 services available on Fiverr right now that range from silly and quirky to professional micro-services. More

ADT Logo

ADT actually started out as a telegraph company. The initials stand for American District Telegraph. Obviously, they have grown into a much more diverse and encompassing organization since that time! Up until recently they were part of the giant company, Tyco. In 2012 though, ADT split off from Tyco and is now a publicly traded company on their own accord. ADT serves customers in the security, video surveillance, and access control industries.

ADT Logo

ADT Logo

ADT is based out of Florida and they have about 16,000 employees. They operate their business in 35 different countries and since entering the stock market in October of 2012, their stock has climbed 28%. In USA and Canada they are distinctly the largest security company as that is their main source of revenue. More

Disney Logo

The Walt Disney Company is arguably one of the most successful companies of all time. The company is named after the founder, Walt Disney, but the name has become so familiar that most people rarely think of the name Disney has a family name rather than an entertainment company. Walt Disney has been so instrumental to the success of American Hollywood that he actually has two stars dedicated to him on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!

Disney Logo

Walt Disney Logo

To show you how successful the company has been — if you would have put $1,000 into the Disney stock in 1978, today it would be worth over $3 Million!!! Too bad my parents didn’t set that up for me!

Folks from all over the world come to visit the Disney theme parks and stay at the Disney resorts. The company pulled in revenues over $40 Billion in 2012 which is quite hard to comprehend. More

Qdoba Logo

Qdoba (pronounced q-doba) is a mexican fast-casual restaurant owned by Jack In The Box. There are several large competitors in this specific industry including Chipotle Mexican grill who is owned by fast food giant, McDonald’s. They offer Mexican style cuisine including burritos, quesadillas, Mexican gumbo, and tacos. The company was first opened in Denver Colorado and in it’s first year it brought in revenues over $1.5 million!

Qdoba logo wallpaper

qdoba logo wallpaper


The logo itself conveys a fun and informal message by use of a paint brush like trade mark. The cactus logo is a reference to the typical desert-like, cactus studded terrain of the country of Mexico. The words Mexican Grill are written in all caps and are much more formal than the Qdoba trade mark. Most likely this is to convey the message that the restaurant is a level above a fast-food restaurant and it is suitable for more formal would-be patrons. More Logo is a public traded company that mainly develops massive online multi-player games in China. Their logo is bright and bold and is easily remembered.


The company is listed on the NASDAQ as CYOU and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange as 0CYA. The company’s stock has not been listed publicly very long but at the time of this writing has been performing very well. The company began as an internal business unit of and became their own separate company in 2007. Since that time the stock on the NASDAQ has increased over 50%. More

Buffalo Bills Logo

The Buffalo Bills, famous for their four consecutive Super Bowl losses, has one of the longest-standing team logos in American sports. Over a period of 50 years the logo has undergone one major change but today the team has again embraced the original logo for sale on select Buffalo Bills merchandise. This is often referred to as a throw back logo.

buffalo bills logo

Buffalo Bills Logo

The logo has always featured an actual buffalo (animal), even after the major change. The buffalo went from a standing position to more of a charging position as you can see from the images presented here. The team name came from a local contest that was open to the public to name the professional football team located in Buffalo, New York. More