Green Lantern Logo

Like many of our modern day super heroes and villains, the Green Lantern became popular originally in the 1940’s and 50’s through comic books. The Green Lantern was a production of DC Comics which is one of the longest running and most successful American comic book companies. Martin Nodell was the individual who came up with the Green Lantern in 1940. He first made his appearance in All American Comics #16 in July of that year.

green lantern logo original

green lantern logo original

The Green Lantern, also like many of the DC Comics characters, went through several well defined stages of development throughout the 1900’s. There was the Golden Age, the Silver Age, the Bronze Age, and the Modern Age. It wasn’t really until 1970, during the Bronze age that the Green Lantern took a major stylistic departure from the original Green Lantern and became more widely known for what we think of the Green Lantern today.


Guinness Logo

Guinness is one of the most well recognized global beer brands as well as one of the most successful beer companies of all time. It is an Irish dry stout that is specifically known for its burnt flavor which comes from roasted unmalted barley. It is also well known for its popular thick, creamy head which comes from mixing the beer with nitrogen.

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guinness logo

The company brews its beer in 60 different countries and sells it in over 100. Although the beer was invented in Irelanad, it has been headquartered in London, England for nearly 100 years. More

United Technologies Logo

United Technologies Corporation is a publicly traded technology company and it is one of the biggest in the world. It employs nearly 200,000 people worldwide! It’s main source of business is jet engines and helicopters, making it the largest military contractor in the world. UTC is the maker of the famous Black Hawk helicopter.

united technologies logo

united technologies logo


Fidelity Investments Logo

Fidelity Investments is a USA-based financial services corporation with a strong global presence. It is one of the largest mutual fund and financial services groups in the USA and in the world. Founded in 1946, it primarily serves North American investors. It runs a capital arm known as Fidelity Ventures. Fidelity International Limited (FIL), was an international affiliate associated with Fidelity Investments but in September 2011, it was rebranded as Fidelity Worldwide Investment.

Fidelity logo

Fidelity Investments Logo


Vale Logo

Vale Logo – Vale SA is a multinational Brazilian founded in 1942 and headquartered in the city of Rio de Janeiro, the company operates in the mining, logistics, energy, steel and oil, in 2010 the market value of the company exceeded the 160 billion dollars and had a turnover of over 50 billion dollars.

vale logo

vale logo

Its activities in the energy and logistics are held in a logic of vertical integration from its mining, its main business, to reduce risks and price fluctuations related to these services. Vale now owns interests in power hydroelectric and held assets in the steel industry and the paper industry it sold in 2000. In October 2006, Vale acquired the Canadian Inco, a leading producer of nickel and platinum to 18.9 billion dollars. More

BHP Billiton Logo

BHP Billiton Logo — BHP Billiton is the company mining world’s largest. Its origin comes from the merger (2001) of the Australian company Broken Hill Proprietary (BHP) and the British company Billiton. It has a dual share structure. While BHP Billiton Limited is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange, BHP Billiton Plc is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is part of the FTSE 100.

bhp billiton logo

bhp billiton logo

The Australian BHP Billiton Limited and the British BHP Billiton Plc are listed independently and with separate shareholder bodies, but they operate as one company with a single board and a single administrative structure. Its head office is in Melbourne with offices in London, Perth, Johannesburg, Santiago, Singapore, Shanghai, Houston and The Hague. The company operates a wide range of mining operations in 25 countries, including iron, diamonds, manganese, coal (coking and thermal), copper, nickel, oil and bauxite. The global workforce is about 40,000 people. More