Star Wars Logo — Star Wars , also known in Spanish as the Wars , but literally means “star wars” is a media franchise U.S. that belongs to the genre of science fiction , although it is commonly defined under the concept of space operetta epic and has been conceived by the writer , manager andproducer of film George Lucas .

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star wars logo

The first film in the franchise, Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope , featured actors like Mark Hamill , Harrison Ford , Carrie Fisher , Alec Guinness, Anthony Daniels , Kenny Baker , Peter Mayhew , Peter Cushing and David Prowse , and although had many difficulties during production, was finally released by 20th Century Fox and released on May 25, 1977. It became a phenomenon of popular culture worldwide and its influence has been recognized by many filmmakers. The success of the film gave wings to Lucas to personally finance the two sequels that completed the so-called “original trilogy” Star Wars : Episode V — The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars: Episode VI — Return of the Jedi , which were incorporated new players such as Billy Dee Williams , Frank Oz and Ian McDiarmid , and were released at intervals of three years. More