Digsby Logo — Digsby is an instant messaging client , instant messaging services, social networking platforms and e-mail communication merges. The software combines all networks under one interface and provides access to AIM , the Windows Live Messenger , Yahoo Messenger , GoogleTalk and other XMPP services, the social networks Facebook and MySpace , the microblogging service Twitter , as well as any e-mail inboxes. First, only a beta version was released, for which one needs a so-called “invitation code” to install them. Since 20 March 2008 will no longer need this invitation code.

Digsby Logo

Digsby Logo

Digsby became especially critical, since it is the computing time of its users “sold”. This was also confirmed by a Digsby developers, but you can disable this function. When installing the software, some programs, toolbars etc . offered for installation, while the design is apparently designed to motivate the user to accept. In addition, Digsby stores all account information, including passwords to a server by the owner. Why such a way sensitive information is not stored locally is not explained. More