Heinz Logo -HJ Heinz Company is a company U.S. agrifood also known as just Heinz , famous for its slogan “57 varieties” of salsa. Heinz produces sauces of all kinds among which the sauce 57, better known as ketchup . Heinz also sells condiments, pastas, canned soups, salads, prepared juice (juice) and baby food.

heinz logo

heinz logo

Heinz is a multinational that has food processing industries in the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom , Italy , Spain , Holland, Belgium, Germany, Russia, China, India, Indonesia, Egypt, South Africa, Australia and Venezuela among other countries and their products are present in markets around the world with different brands in addition to the Heinz brand. The ketchup, invented by the company itself, is its most famous product, being essential ingredients for hamburgers of American fast food restaurants like McDonald’s . More