eBuddy Logo — eBuddy is an instant messaging application for web and mobile devices that supports various instant messaging services including Windows Live Messenger , Yahoo! , AIM , Google Talk , MySpace IM and Facebook .eBuddy is a service of browser-based instant messaging, originally began as e-Messenger in 2003. Combines AOL, Google Talk, MSN and Yahoo! Messenger on a single web based interface. Also available via mobile phone, independent of operator or device through the internal browser. And eBuddy mobile IM application, which became the most popular.

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eBuddy is a privately held company backed by Prime Technology Ventures and Lowland Capital Partners. eBuddy is based in Amsterdam and has a second, local offices in London. The company launched a third U.S. office in San Francisco in April 2008. Paul Taylor is the inventor of eBuddy. The idea came when he made a bet with a friend, get MSN will work on a mobile phone. He worked full time at an internet company, Paulo spent hours working on a mobile application for MSN. After several weeks, won the bet and went to a server application. It was here where visitors asked if he could develop a web version. By stimulation of the users, Paulo decided to take the idea to the next level.

On September 9, 2003, Paul along with two partners created Everywhere-MSN.com. However, Microsoft claimed the domain name and shortly after the December 4, 2003, the domain was changed to e-messenger.net. On June 1, 2006, e-Messenger is renamed to eBuddy.

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eBuddy messenger Logo

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