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Nestle Logo

Nestle Logo — The Société des Produits Nestlé SA , known internationally as Nestlé , is, in 2005, the largest food processing company in the world. Headquartered in Vevey , Switzerland . The product range offered by Nestlé ranging from mineral water to animal feed, through products and milk chocolate. He has more than 200,000 workers worldwide.

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The company was founded in 1866 by German immigrants in Switzerland Henri Nestlé , a pharmacist who had developed a food for infants unable to breast feed (or any of the usual substitutes the time). The value of the discovery made ​​possible a rapid expansion in America and Europe, increased by the merger in 1905 with the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company , which despite being a larger company adopted the name of the little that was already very famous. More

Texaco Logo

Texaco Logo — Texaco Petroleum Co is a company Oil States based in New York . Founded in 1902 under the name of The Texas Company, adopted its current name in 1959 . He is currently a subsidiary of Chevron Corp.

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Its social purpose is the production and marketing of oil and derivatives. By volume of sales (31,613,000 of U.S. dollars ), held in 1986 in third place among the largest oil companies in the United States . In that year a net profit of $ 725 million and employed 51,978 employees. In February of 1984 acquired ownership of the oil company Getty Oil . More

Canada Dry Logo

Canada Dry Logo — Canada Dry is a brand of soft drinks marketed by Dr Pepper / Seven Up, a unit of Cadbury-Schweppes. Canada Dry is best known for its ginger ale, but also makes several sodas and mixes. Although Canada Dry is named after its country of origin, Canada, is produced in many countries and is very popular in the United States.

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canada dry logo

John J. McLaughlin was the eldest son of Robert McLaughlin, wagon maker, located in Oshawa, Ontario, who was one of the largest business in the British Empire. His brother, Robert Samuel “Colonel Sam” McLaughlin, took control of the firm father and redirected to the business of the car (which would result in General Motors Canada in 1916). However, John also achieved considerable success in their own business. More

Mountain Dew Logo

Mountain Dew Logo — Mountain Dew is a refreshing citrus company manufactured by PepsiCo. It was originally promoted in 1948 only in the state of North Carolina in the United States, from 1964 it did in all that país.Su Mountain View name from one of the best known of California.

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Mountain Dew is often criticized by health experts because of its high caffeine content. It was released to market Australian and Canadian, where he has included caffeine in their formula. Mountain Dew also contains tartrazine (called “FD & C Yellow No. 5″ in the U.S.), which can cause an allergic reaction in some people. The “light” version contains aspartame. More

Best Buy Logo

Best Buy Logo — Best Buy Co., Inc. (NYSE : BBY) is a company that is part of Fortune 500 specialized electronic products for sale within the United States , Canada , Mexico , China and Peru (Mini shop) having 21% market share. The company’s subsidiaries include Geek Squad, Magnolia Audio Video, Pacific Sales, and Canada Best Buy Canada subsidiary operates most of the branches under the name Future Shop.

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In total, operates about 1,150 stores in the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, China, Mexico and Turkey. The company headquarters are located in Richfield, Minnesota, USA. In the June 26th of 2007, Best Buy announced a 40% increase in its operations, with plans to operate more than 1,800 branches throughout the world including 1,400 Best Buy U.S. More

Wiesmann Logo

Wiesmann Logo — Wiesmann is a German automaker. The company was founded in 1985 by brothers Martin and Friedhelm Wiesmann. The cars are assembled by hand Dülmen in Germany. In 1985, the Wiesmann brothers decide to make a sports car with an antique look with modern technology. They then develop a prototype in a cellar. This prototype was completed in 1987 and presented in 1988 at Motor Show in Essen.

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1989 is the year of first sales and development of models with hard top. After five years of development, producing and marketing the Wiesmann Roadster MF3. In 2005, the brand presented at the Motor Show in Frankfurt the GT MF4. More