Baltimore Orioles Logo — The Baltimore Orioles are a deductible of baseball of Major League Baseball located in Baltimore (Maryland, USA). They live in the Eastern Division of the American League. This franchise founded in 1894 in Milwaukee moved to St. Louis in 1902 before moving to Baltimore in 1954. This is in Maryland as the Orioles won their titles winning the World Series : 1966, 1970 and 1983.

baltimore orioles logo

baltimore orioles logo

Be careful not to confuse the current Baltimore Orioles with older formations which bore the same name. The former Orioles in Baltimore evolved from 1882 to 1899, a second version of the Baltimore Orioles existed in 1901 and 1902 before moving to New York to give birth to the New York Yankees. The franchise of the St. Louis Browns moved to Baltimore in 1954. It takes the name of the first two formations of the city. More