Download Agoda Logo — Agoda Company Pte., Ltd.. is an Internet company that provides online hotel reservation service for the most part in the Asia-Pacific region- located facilities offer. Agoda has business operations in Singapore , Bangkok and the Philippines .
The company was founded in the late 1990s by Michael Kenny with the name The original concept was to use the emerging power of search engines to a perceived vacuum of information on hotel and travel information to be filled. Planet Holiday was one of the leading hotel booking website in an industry that has grown into a business miliardenschweren. Kenny, originally from Long Iceland, New York , emigrated in the late 1990s to Thailand and taught from the website along with a small business operating on the island of Phuket one. The company (and the industry as a whole) has a number of unpredictable catastrophic events, such as the dot-com crisis of 2000-2001, the terrorist attacks on New York on 11 September 2001 and the SARS outbreak in 2003, which all had a devastating impact on the travel industry survived. In 2002 the company moved from Phuket to Bangkok , adding to 2003 as a partner website that was designed to reservations through affiliate websites for sale. Later in 2005, and were called Agoda Company Pte. Ltd.. united. More