Illy Logo — Illy or Italian illycaffè SpA is a company Italian food business specializing in importing, roasting and selling coffee . Founded in 1933 in Trieste byFrancesco Illy this company has grown worldwide in the second half of the xx th century to become one of the most important sector .

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Founded by Francesco Illy (( Timişoara , 1892 — Trieste, 1956), a Hungarian emigre came to Trieste during the First World War , and then continued by his son Ernesto Illy who developed it internationally, Illy has specialized in the production and sale of high quality coffee 100% arabica . First importer of cocoa and coffee , Francesco Illy has focused exclusively on the second and developed in 1935 the first coffee machine using steam in place of compressed air to make coffee like espresso . This machine, named Illetta , is the precursor of the current machinery Express. More